Healthcare Academy established by ISDC offers certification programme called the Graduate certificate in healthcare practice which is approved by the University of West of Scotland (UWS).
Healthcare academy embraces a multifaceted learning system to equip nursing students with adaptive skills to cope with current transformations in the field of healthcare. The core of the Academy is to provide career-focused training to individuals who desire to start or enhance a career in the developing healthcare field.
The Academy with an international outlook aims to transform students as being job ready and relevant in the healthcare industry. There is an emergent demand for better healthcare services with the use of new techniques and technologies and this is where the Healthcare Academy comes in. The Academy, in partnership with the nursing colleges, will train students in new techniques and importantly, help students develop a positive mindset to embrace changes and ensure relevance through skills contextualisation and remain resilient in an ever changing world.
The certification programme will equip students with a greater understanding of the conduct and performance requirements for high quality healthcare practice within a UK adult nursing context. The programme will require students to undertake a relevant selection of core modules to a credit point total of 60 credits at SCQF Level 9 on topics associated with the professional standards and values that adult nurses must uphold in order to be registered to practise in the UK (as defined by the 2018 NMC code for nurses and midwives), and reflecting the 2010 standards against which applicants to the NMC Test of Competence would be measured.

ISDC – International Skill Development Corporation is an education management organization incorporated in UK and having operations across the globe. It imparts a set of Skill Development Activities through its structured plan and aims at ‘Developing Skills for Tomorrow’.
With services offered in almost all Continents, ISDC is well positioned to meet the increasing demand for skill development and professional education across the globe. The operation includes thev arious Skill Development Projects, Professional and Vocational Education Activities, Higher Education Partnerships, Professional and Corporate Training, Consulting, Research & Development and other Learning Solutions.
Our unique vision is to make a difference in the focus areas of :
- Skilled Manpower
- Raising Literacy Levels
- Improving Learning Outcomes

Healthcare academy offers the certification programme in healthcare practice franchised from the University of West of Scotland (UWS). UWS is ranked by Times Higher Education in their 2018 World University Rankings as being in the top 3% of universities worldwide, and feature in the Top 150 of their Young University World Rankings. As per the The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide for 2019, University of the West of Scotland has been ranked as a Top 100 UK University.

The National Health Service is a public funded national healthcare system for England and one of the four National Health Services for each constituent country of the United Kingdom. It is the largest single-payer healthcare system in the world. The organization, funded primarily by taxation, provides free or low-cost healthcare to all legal residents of the U.K.